Hebrews 4:16 - Ask with Confidence, Approach the Throne, Help in Time of Need

Hebrews 4:16 - Ask with Confidence, Approach the Throne, Help in Time of Need

Hebrews 4:16 - "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need"

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Like most Christians. I routinely ask for things from God. In fact, God wants us to ask Him for our heart's desires as part of our dialogue.

Here is my problem... I tend to ask for big things in a timid way. Unfortunately, my sheepish method exposes my lack of faith that He will deliver my heart's desires. That lack of faith sends me retreating while uttering falsities such as "God didn't want to give me that anyway" and "I don't deserve that anyway".

This memory verse from Hebrews is a reminder to me of the proper posture for my requests from God. Specifically, approaching God with the confidence that exibits overwhelming faith in His power and wisdom in orchestrating events and circumstances, including those of my life.

Right now, I have been in a massive storm related to my current job. I find my job completely intrusive and all consuming. I am not the person I want to be in nearly every way.

As such, I continue to ask and beg God to change my circumstances. Since I have been in this storm so long (over 2 years), and even the glimpses of hope have gotten shrouded out, I seem to reinforce that it is not in God's will to provide a new job for me.

I am currently applying this verse to my prayer time. My change in posture, driven with this memory verse reminder, is working tangibly towards my goal. Specifically, I now have a mind-set that I know I will have a different job soon. I have taken actions that I have never taken in the past - reaching out to my network in different ways, going to outside conferences, cleaning out office cabinets, etc.

While I have not yet officially transitioned away from my current job, I am confident it will happen soon.

Please share your own application of this memory verse below in the comments.

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