1 Corinthians 1:8 - "He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ"

The problem is that you and i WILL fail... we WILL fall into sin... despite our best intentions. Of course, for the motivated Christian, these moments of weakness can easily send us towards feelings of shame. At worst, we start to question our own title as a Christian!
And this is when this verse from 1 Corinthians can help tremendously!
This verse does nothing short of paint a powerful picture of our coming day of judgment with AMAZING news! The wonderful news has two significant parts. First, Jesus will uphold us every day until the day of judgment. He will be our strength through all the times of disappointment and despair, trial and temptation. Second, God will hold us BLAMELESS on that day if we have accepted Christ as our personal Savior.
I cannot imagine a more comforting reminder to all Christians after those moments in which we have found ourselves in sin. Of course, our baseline is to continually move AWAY from sin; however, there is truly no way we will become perfect while on earth. The ONLY way to achieve perfection is for Jesus to take our place on judgement day.
Be encouraged! Jesus will keep you strong in this life and make you blameless when it matters most! Now go, and live in freedom from guilt while living righteously in appreciation for His gift!