Psalms 119:11 - Hide His Word in Your Heart

Psalms 119:11 - Hide His Word in Your Heart

Psalms 119:11 - "I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You"

Tags: hide, word, heart, sin, memory verse, bible verse, spiritual quote, bible quote

The 119th book of Psalms is full of amazing text.

Verse 11 is one of the most profound.

But for a long time, I missed its full grasp.

You see, I finally realized that understanding it is dependent upon two things:
1. Understanding the meaning of "the Word"
2. Understanding the meaning of "heart"

Such understanding is important because in doing so, at least according to this verse, we are empowered NOT to sin against God.

Sort of the goal of every moment of our Christian walk!

"The Word" is simply the Bible's text itself. The "heart" is our memory.

Of course, that is the whole point of our "Daily Sword" blog - to empower you with important snippets of the Bible that you can memorize.

Why do we advocate so strongly for memorizing scripture?

Because we realize that the guidance scripture provides from your memory is MUCH more powerful in moments of decision than as they sit in your Bible on your dresser.

You see, in the actual moment of temptation, you are highly unlikely to go grab your Bible (assuming you are even near a Bible), find a relevant passage, and then use that passage to motivate you to succeed in the face of temptation.

Now if that verse is stuck in your brain, you can instantly recall it to drive your attitudes and behaviors towards righteousness.

We'd love to hear how scripture you have memorized has empowered your Christian walk. Please share in the comments section below!

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Our founders are twins from the Heartland of America looking to help other busy people feel growth in their faith and walk with Jesus. The distractions in our world are overwhelming. They quickly consume our best intentions to pray, spend time in devotion, and read the bible. It's easy to get stuck! That's why we create tools to help you use technology to make it easy to stay on track with your spiritual growth :) Learn more...

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