Waking Up Well

Waking Up Well

Giving thanks for finally waking up well again.

Tags: thankfulness for health, our daily bread

Like many individuals during this time of year, I have been suffering from a cold / sinus infection for nearly 2 weeks. It doesn't take long after coming down with one of these things that we can quickly realize how blessed we are to be feeling healthy most of the time. The energy demands of our busy lives and constant pursuits in fact require that we fire on all cylinders. This morning, I am thankful that I finally woke up feeling well, and I am reminded that this is a gift I should be thankful for more often. Since my evening last night was also taking care of my 3 year old toddler, I am additionally grateful for his sleeping through the night and thankful for those answered prayers. I pray that you are able to make the most of your health today in pursuit of His Kingdom work.

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