2 Corinthians 5:17 - You Are A New Creation in Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17 - You Are A New Creation in Christ

2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new"

Tags: Corinthians, new, creation, memory verse, bible verse, spiritual quote, bible quote

Becoming new again...

Shedding the old...

A fresh start...

If you are like me at all, there is something attractive about renewal.

There is something appealing about another chance.

Consider how many of us feel at the beginning of the New Year. We feel hopeful for an even better year than the prior one, regardless of the blessings we experienced.

Where does this desire come from?

While it is easy to focus on our mistakes and regrets in wanting a fresh start, there is a much more positive perspective to be taken.

Specifically, we innately know that given a second chance in different arenas of life, we could do better.

We could do better because we know better... We have more knowledge... We have more wisdom. We have the benefit of time and experience - the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.

And that is where this verse from 2 Corinthians applies.

Paul reminds us here that we are new creations in Christ.

But what does this really mean?

Paul is reminding us that accepting Christ into our hearts as our Savior defeats the original sin that characterizes us - the original sin that is innate to all mankind.

With Christ, we are continuously renewed or washed clean of our sin. While we still sin, we are able to reject its grasp on our lives immediately.

As we adopt Christ's teachings into our daily lives, we slowly conquer sin's influence in our daily attitudes, decisions, and behaviors.

Apply this:

Memorize this verse, reminding yourself routinely with these words from the second book of Corinthians that you are made new in Christ, taking on His power to live righteously in the midst of all sinful temptation.

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