John 16:33 - Finding Peace; Overcoming the World; What Really Matters

John 16:33 - Finding Peace; Overcoming the World; What Really Matters

John 16:33 - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"

Tags: finding peace, peace, overcoming the world, world, bible verse, memory verse, bible quote, John

I don't know about you, but I often feel like I have no shortage of problems. In fact, some days, these problems truly seem so overwhelming that I feel like throwing my hands up and crawling back into bed to ignore it all. Of course, if that happens, the problems only keep accumulating to become even MORE overwhelming.

Specifically, my current job is completely overwhelming to the point of sunken depression. There is literally more work to ever get caught up on with additional requests put in my queue each day. This verse from John is extremely helpful in the moments of my workday. Jesus gives us incredible "eternal" perspective in his piece of advice in this verse. If you notice, Jesus does not tell us that we should expect to coast through life. To be honest, that alone can be very validating to my own experience. I would feel like a constant failure in this life as someone unable to avoid troubled times. I believe what Jesus wanted us to realize here is that the world is so big that there will always be many many pieces we cannot control. As such, trouble comes out of that equation that we have to respond to. Jesus' eternal perspective here reminds me that my job is but a blip on the radar of a much much bigger story - His story of my redemption and a perfect eternal life in heaven. Job schmob... Let's focus on what really matters instead!

If you have an experience to share when this verse helped you through a difficult time, or if you decide to memorize it today and start using it, please share your experience below as a comment. God bless you!

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