One Vine Day

One Vine Day

Wine down and relax; admire God's work.

Tags: nature, beaty, vine, peace, our daily bread

I had a rare chance to spend some time at a winery recently. The experience reminds me of many things from God for which I am thankful.

1. Natural Beauty

Often you hear the term Mother Nature, but there's nothing about her in scripture. Nope, this kind of beauty could only come from our Father in heaven (see Genesis 1:1). All of the artistic components of this sunny day at the vineyards could not be manufactured - the blue sky, tree-lined plots of vines, the canal ushering fresh water alongside those same plots, the and of course, the ubiquitous sunshine to illuminate the hillsides. Wow! What a scene to admire. Thank you God for creating your footstool to offer so much beauty!

2. Peace and Quiet

One thing I know for sure as I try to keep up with the fast pace of life with work and kids. God has the ability to create a peace that can only come from heaven. On this particular day, there was a slight breeze with near silence. Aside from table conversation, nothing in the environment disturbed our peace. Thank you, God, for welcome breaks from hectic schedules that remind us of your constant presence and allow us to recharge our minds!

3. Family Time

On this occasion, I was able to spend time visiting my parents. I live away from them, and this rare time together allowed us to catch up in a way that is not possible through exchange of text messages. Thank you God for bringing families together to share their most precious gift together - time.

4. Stylish Teaching

"The fruit of the vine" is often mentioned in scripture. It is often used as a metaphor to remind us that the roots we plant in our lives will factor into the "fruit" (good or bad) that we are able to produce. Thank you Lord for your teaching style that provides simplicity to applying your teachings to a complex life!

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