Conquer Discontentment and Cultivate Gratitude | Daily Bread Blog | OnlinePrayerJournal | Page 4

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Everyday reminders that help cultivate gratitude that lasts

Build a joyful attitude with a fresh perspective on what's commonly taken for granted. Each article provides insight to keep you positive about the gifts God provides every day. Routine attention to all our gifts is proven to build happiness with contentment, which equals joy!

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An unfamiliar feeling reminds me how critical it is I pursue it in a more committed way

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"Rest and rejuvenation" can be a whole lot more than sleep...

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Facing another morning of having to travel for work can bring out how little control we actually have over our time

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We can easily miss our amazing God as we become so distracted with our daily "to-do's" and current situations; His evidence surrounds us, we only need to look...

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Live a yes life - although we can find ourselves inclined to say "No" to opportunities, we often do so without realizing the depth of what we are passing up...

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"Lord, may I have open ears and open eyes throughout this day to follow Your ways..."

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Our founders are twins from the Heartland of America looking to help other busy people feel growth in their faith and walk with Jesus. The distractions in our world are overwhelming. They quickly consume our best intentions to pray, spend time in devotion, and read the bible. It's easy to get stuck! That's why we create tools to help you use technology to make it easy to stay on track with your spiritual growth :) Learn more...

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