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Stop wondering how to build character and find simple encouragement and directions from the Word...

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We can learn from Joseph who gives us an amazing example of how to live life all about God in our attitudes, speech, and action just prior to becoming the second-most powerful man in the world...

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The battlefield of the mind is always active - whether we realize it or not, we are constantly under spiritual attack and that attack often occurs between our own two ears...

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Christianity the best religion in the world; there are awesome key principles that make this true and one of them is very appealing for anyone who feels too busy to breathe...

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"Dying to Self" can be a confusing phrase, but it is critical to transforming our attitudes towards permanent Christian outreach...

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"Lord, may I have open ears and open eyes throughout this day to follow Your ways..."

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Our founders are twins from the Heartland of America looking to help other busy people feel growth in their faith and walk with Jesus. The distractions in our world are overwhelming. They quickly consume our best intentions to pray, spend time in devotion, and read the bible. It's easy to get stuck! That's why we create tools to help you use technology to make it easy to stay on track with your spiritual growth :) Learn more...

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