A key facet of mastering Christian maturity is a sober assessment of just how sinful we tend to be, not for the purposes of condemnation, but rather for the purposes of cultivating a spirit of humility, peace, and gratitude...
"Judge not lest ye be judged" is the prevailing theme in our day; but Christians are actually called to judge - but in the right way...
Posted by Eric Kruep
Sometimes it is critical that we truly challenge ourselves and our current thinking to spark new growth. An honest appraisal about the people, places, and things for which you are "all in" can be an excellent place to start...
To build the kingdom of God can seem overwhelming enough that we do nothing; but her are 10 easy ways to do God's work - TODAY!
It can be difficult to know how to get closer to God despite our strong desire to do so; but one routine habit can make sure you will always know He is close by, empowering your days