
The Secret to Ensuring Spiritual Growth!

You have a sincere desire to grow your relationship with God and truly live for Christ. But there is so much distraction in your daily routine - much of it legitimate!

You have family and work responsibilities, among others. You are exhausted! And you don't need another list of spiritual to-dos to add to the rest of them!

At the same time, you are yearning to live a transformed life. You are convinced it is your path for true contentment both here on earth and eternally in heaven. You are tired of knowing what you want but making little progress towards those spiritual goals!

We understand how you are feeling because we have been there, too.

Then we discovered the secret to ensuring spiritual growth - and established OnlinePrayerJournal.com to help.

You see, true spiritual growth requires 3 things in our modern age:
1. An intentional spiritual growth plan
2. A willingness to invest
3. An easy way for busy people to build spiritual growth habits

OnlinePrayerJournal.com is 100% designed to help you make your spiritual growth intentional, even as we provide mobile technology that makes it easy for busy people to build spiritual growth habits.

We're here to be your mobile mentor for intentional spiritual growth!

What's Here to Help

Daily prayer resources that fit your fast-paced lifestyle:
Inspiration and shared wisdom that accelerates your spirtual growth:
Recommended resources to focus growth in the areas most important to you:
New Exclusive Tools to Empower Your Transformation:

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Meet Eric

EK Profile Picture

Hi! My name is Eric. I had the privilege of being raised knowing Christ. Specifically, I was baptized as a Catholic as an infant. I went to Catholic grade school and high school where I was routinely taught my faith. As a parent myself now, I appreciate the sacrifices my own parents made in supporting my Catholic education.

As a result of my upbringing, I was a fairly disciplined Catholic. Sunday attendance was a key piece of my weekly routine. Morning and bedtime prayers were also common. However, as a grew into young adulthood, something was dramatically missing from my Christian faith.

In analyzing my needs, and looking back at that time in my life, I realize now that God was truly calling me into an actual relationship with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Currently, I find myself pursuing God and His desires for my time here on earth every day. Oh sure, I get it wrong nearly every day. However, I continue to journey in my walk as a Christian with excitement and enthusiasm most days. The struggle of this jouney and the opportunity to help facilitate others' growth are fundamental reasons my brother and I started this website. We believe strongly in the daily ritual of Christian practice that leads to transformed life and the only TRUE path to eternal joy.

Besides my day job as a very busy consultant to the healthcare industry, I currently get the opportunity to serve on my Church's worship team. Over six years of that privilege, I find passion in worship music that surprises even me! I am constantly singing or humming words of praise that reveal to me a glimpse of what it must be like to truly live a life of worship.

I pray that you live a life of continual Christian growth. In the meantime, I hope you find the tools we have here helpful in constructing daily rituals that get you to the point of a transformed life!

Please feel free to contact me by clicking HERE, and let me know how I can serve you better

Meet Denny

Denny Profile Picture

Hi there!  First, thanks for taking an interest in my personal story!  It all started when...


...I was born and raised Catholic, which provided me with a strong basis of religious knowledge, moral boundaries and standards, and a deep appreciation for religious holidays and rituals.  I also recall praying regularly through high school as I drifted off to sleep each night.


All through college, I would attend Sunday Mass (an obligation for Catholics) each Sunday.  However, after graduating college and moving to a new city to live completely on my own, I began to recognize my declining interest and poor motivation for attending.  The act of attending Mass became truly just an obligation to me.  One which I felt was important to fulfill simply as a preventative measure to avoid a flood of guilt.  In fact, Sunday mornings were the only time I even considered God in my life.


“Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ – Mark 7:6


A couple of years out of school, in a new city without any of the Catholic family I had grown up around, my interest in religion completely waned...I stopped attending regular services.  At this point, I figured I’m a nice guy, and I figured I knew that’s all that mattered to God.


It was not until a few years later, when I met my (now) wife that I began to see.  My trouble was that since birth, religion–God–Jesus–Catholicism were all inextricably linked.  My religious teachings were all from academia and Catholic Priests.  After all, they were the “experts” in religion–God–Jesus–Catholicism, so there was no need for ME to attempt to learn about scripture or God on my own.  How could I possibly do better?  Besides, I was too busy trying to keep up with a busy life.


It was my wife who opened my eyes to the split between God and “religion”.  She and her congregation of believers taught me that while “religion” is man-made, “God” is His own.  Further, the congregation to which she had attended placed a strong emphasis on the Word of God – the bible...the ENTIRE bible.  The congregation convinced me to attempt something I never dreamed I would be able to find time to do – read the entire bible.  What happened when I read it? 


I found out directly from God what he expected and how He acts on earth to influence our lives.  The Word also tells us a lot about the nature of God.  For example, I had assumed God would tire of hearing constant requests in the form of prayer: not at all!  God strongly desires for us to pray and request of him.  Just as our human nature has us longing for connection to other people through relationship, God has the same desire.  How can you have a relationship with someone if you never speak to them?


Now, I’m hooked.  I am eager to talk to God through prayer, and I’ve seen that by doing so, I recognize Him moving in my own life.  I won’t have much of a relationship with God if it is only through a sense of obligation of my presence in church on Sunday.


So, what’s next?


Join me, as we make our faith at least a small part in our daily lives.  Through regular prayer and discussion about real life, we’ll figure out how to make “Believer” not just another label for ourselves.  I’m not perfect and by no means do I fully live my faith, but with continual attention to it and the tools available at this web site, we’re bound to be transformed by Him!


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"Father, I praise You today and thank You for Your amazing grace that covers me..."

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About Us

Our founders are twins from the Heartland of America looking to help other busy people feel growth in their faith and walk with Jesus. The distractions in our world are overwhelming. They quickly consume our best intentions to pray, spend time in devotion, and read the bible. It's easy to get stuck! That's why we create tools to help you use technology to make it easy to stay on track with your spiritual growth :) Learn more...

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